Monday, April 18, 2011

dyeing with grape hyacinth part 1

Yesterday, I took my grape hyacinth flowers out of the freezer and crushed then up. I added water in a 2:1 ratio and brought the mix to a boil and let simmer for an hour. Next I added a tsp of Alum to the pail mixture and it turned a very nice purple. This was let to sit for 24 hours.

This morning the mixture was strained for dyeing.  I wet the fabric I had previously soaked in soda ash and allowed to dry and used a pole wrap to create patterns.  Here is a picture of it dipped for just a minute.  It has more of a green shade than i was wanting.

I wet fabric, not soaked in soda ashed, in water and vinegar,twisted it and dipped it in some extra dye.  It instantly took on this lovely purple shade. 

 I splashed some vinegar on the other cloth and where it touched it became purple.   So I added about a tablespoon of vinegar to the solution. I like the two colors together. Will see the results in a few days.

After checking this evening the fabric looked more of a solid blue.

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